Background & Training
- Master of Science, Community Development, University California, Davis
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology,
State University of New York at Plattsburgh - Mindful Movement Teacher Training,
Open Floor International
Certificates/Continuing Education
- Coaching for Transformation: Essentials of Coaching. Leadership That Works
- Public Policy Mediation. ISADR
- Undoing Racism. The People’s Institute Northwest
- Appreciative Inquiry. Company of Experts
- Open Space Technology Facilitator Training. Lisa Heft, Opening Space
- Institute for Nonprofit Consulting. CompassPoint/Sierra Health Foundation
- Youth Mental Health First Aid. Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services
- National Charrette Institute Planner Certification
- Teaching Partners Program. UC Davis Teaching Resource Center
Deb Marois
Converge Founder, Organizational
& Community Development Specialist
Change begins when our hearts are touched, and our imaginations are sparked. Deb founded Converge CRT to help create healthier, more equitable communities. She facilitates collaborative action by designing meetings, research, and technical assistance that:
- Engage diverse stakeholders in crucial conversations, giving voice to untold perspectives and stories
- Focus on strengths and examine data to build on what’s currently working
- Make new connections and expand beliefs about what is possible
- Result in a common vision and action plans to achieve priority goals
Deb’s strategic thinking combined with thorough research and emotional intelligence provides groups with the guidance they need to achieve collective impact. She moves confidently into complex collaborative situations, sees beyond polarities, and listens deeply to clarify issues and discover desired outcomes.
Through Converge CRT, Deb leads a variety of collaborative planning, capacity building, and research projects. She specializes in facilitating cross-sector, complex community change initiatives that engage diverse participants – especially those who are typically marginalized from public policy decision-making. She’s worked on issues ranging from regional equity, poverty alleviation, and youth engagement to mental health innovation, climate adaptation, women’s health, and prevention of obesity, violence, substance abuse and other chronic disease. Since 1994, Deb’s trained and coached hundreds of government and nonprofit staff, health and human service professionals, educators, advocates, youth, faith-based and neighborhood leaders in the skills necessary to work collaboratively and achieve community change. After 25 years in Northern California, she relocated to Maui, Hawaiʻi in 2019.
A life-long learner, Deb delights in having her own perspective expanded. In 2017, she completed a 2-year teacher training program in Open Floor, a mindfulness practice that uses movement, music and inquiry to cultivate presence, emotional resiliency, and embodied leadership. She also volunteers to support community improvement efforts including ten years on the UC Davis Center for Regional Change advisory board and six years as a volunteer with Open Floor International. In her off-time, you can find Deb practicing conscious dance, creating and supporting art, and enjoying nature.
For more information, view her LinkedIn profile
or download her resume.